Saturday, August 25, 2007

Who Made This List??

We've been shopping all week for school supplies...Veggie Boy is entering 3rd grade and Saucy Girl is starting Kindergarten. Maybe I'm frugal ( or maybe I'm getting older, but I don't know when teachers started adding their school supplies to my child's list. My husband has been a public educator for 10 yrs and we've always had to buy his chalk, dry erase markers, red pens, etc., etc. Now it seems the students provide this stuff for the teachers. On Veggie Boy's list we had to pick up 4 dry erase markers and Ziploc bags. I can't quite think of a time when he has brought home something in a Ziploc? (Oh, did I mention that they specified Ziploc brand??) Saucy Girls Kinder list actually specified, "2 Black Chisel Tip Dry Erase Markers" in addition to the, apparently standard, Ziploc brand bags.

I know elementary schools still have a clinic, right? Yet we are providing band-aids from our school "supply" list. Surely, the school can afford band-aids in the budget?

I must be getting old because I remember going to school with the little cardboard "pencil box" with the flap lid. You would bring your box full of pencils, crayons, scissors & a bottle of glue, some construction paper and kleenex. Geesh, times have changed! Saucy Girls list is sooo big that her stuff wouldn't fit in my little cardboard pencil box. What 5 yr old needs 4 boxes of crayons, 2 packs of 10-count markers, 8 glue sticks and 2 bottles of glue - oh yea, and 6, yes six, packages of manilla/construction paper. I know she's not coming home with 6 pkgs of art by the time the year is up. It all seems a bit much to me.

Am I off-track on this one? Please set me straight if I am, but this seems to get more excessive each year.

1 comment:

stressed out mom said...

Just getting caught up with what is new at the coaches house. About the homeschool thing, I admire anyone who can do it, I just think I'm not cut out for it, I really like my free time in the day.
Congratulations with the fixing of your washing machine, you go girl!