Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Way I See It

We like to sit up front for mass. Today we got the second row.

The altar server was a young girl - probably 9th/10th grade - and was wearing frayed blue jeans and turquoise rubber flip-flops. Hmmmmm

On the row in front of us were 5 young men - maybe 18-20 yrs old. They zipped into the parking lot in their giant pickup and were laughing and cutting up as they walked down the sidewalk. All five looked as if they dressed from the same closet. Rugged boots, worn jeans and longsleeved button-ups, untucked and slightly wrinkled. They all knelt down and prayed before mass started and each participated fully. They chuckled when Fr. Duffy threw in his weekly joke (it's just not Sunday without one) and they stayed in their pew, singing the last hymn until the music stopped.

I'm constantly being taught lessons from above.

Thank you Jesus for your unconditional love.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Starting Over

For the four readers that I have (thanks Mom & Annette!) :) I plan to begin posting again. I've spent the last 9 months trying to adjust to being a working mom. Trying to find my groove, get organized, learn how to accomplish everything in 24 hours (I just don't think it's possible) and still maintain my sanity hasn't been an easy task. I've spent many a day frustrated, tired, and in tears but I know that God has a plan for my life and for my family. I know this season is but a short chapter in the book He is writing for us.

The long and short of the last 9 months is that I work an hour away from the house so we have enrolled the kids in a Catholic school that is 4 miles from my office. We have just begun football season and The Coach is keeping 14-15 hour days!! He is very tired but loves his new head coach and loves his new school. It is such a huge change from being in the urban district he came from! We went to a scrimmage this morning and the stands were full! Last year, the kids and I would have been one of - maybe - a dozen people in attendance, so this is a big difference even for us! Everyone is just so exicted about cheering on this new team.

I look forward to sharing the craziness of our life with my family, irl friends & my stranger-friends through this silly little blog and would love to hear from you!

(by the way, I have made time to read a few blogs every day - it helps keep me sane :) - I know I haven't commented much (if at all) but it's been a blessing to me nonetheless. Thanks for your consistency! You never know who's reading and is feeling encouraged by your words.)